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Career Development Workshop

Career development workshops can be important for personal and professional growth because they can help you learn new skills, meet people who share your interests, goals, and challenges, and get support, advice, or referrals. Therefore, The Project Evolve organized this workshop with the support of local institutions to help Mainers get the orientation they needed. from experts on how they can explore career options and develop uplift their skills or develop new ones.This last Monday of the 2024, the Lewiston community gathered at Lewiston Career Center to attend the Career Development Workshop that was a game changer for many attendees that needed orientation on their career path. They learned how to adjust the skills and education they already have with the opportunities being offered here, how to gain new skills, stay competitive, and connect with mentors, and professionals.

A huge Thank you to Career Center Institution that supported this event plus the Eastern Maine Development Corporation that partnered with us to make this a reality.To everyone who joined us at the workshop a big thank you.

The Project Evolve
Guiding Minds, Empowering Lifes

Workshop Events

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